Specialist Costs Lawyers - Trusted advisors to Central and Local Government

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Adverse costs

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be on the winning side. A&M Bacon  can help to ensure any costs you are required to pay are reasonable and proportionate.

Our Costs Specialists pride themselves on their ability to keep adverse costs at manageable levels. Given their experience in a diverse range of cases, we can provide expert advice across all processes of settlement negotiations. A&M Bacon provide on all cases a clear and detailed prognosis which informs our clients of any potential risks.

Our adverse costs services include:

  • Prognosis preparation
  • Settlement negotiations
  • Preparation of Points of Dispute
  • Review of Points of Reply
  • Roundtable settlement discussions
  • Expert attendance at detailed assessment hearings

Contact us

To arrange a discussion regarding your Adverse Costs, give us a call today on 01733 350880. Enquiries can also come to us via email by filling in the contact form.

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