Specialist Costs Lawyers - Trusted advisors to Central and Local Government
James joined A&M Bacon in May 2012 following successfully completing the LPC & graduating with a 2.1 law (with history) degree. James has progressed from a trainee to a qualified Costs Lawyer (December 2015) under the tutelage from experienced Costs Lawyers at A&M Bacon.
James has experience with drafting high value (multi-million pound) Bills and Points of Dispute including matters before the Supreme Court. He has dealt with recovery costs from the Legal Aid Agency on behalf of non-funded parties and has experience with Claimant work. James has also worked extensively on numerous budgeting matters since its inception in April 2013.
James prides himself on a non-nonsense approach with negotiations with a focus on obtaining a quick & reasonable resolution for all parties.
James is also active on social media, particularly on LinkedIn where he provides his ‘unique’ opinions on the law.
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